My Prettiful Story, Have Fun Reading it

The shot hit my leg, and felt as if a person was scraping their long fingernails on my skin, and started to dig a hole deep down.
My leg could no longer support me and it collapsed under me.

Kids were fleeing back into the building, and Megan was one of those kids. Only one person looked back, Allen. He saw me, ran over to me, and tried to get me back on my feet. Then he saw the wound on my leg.

Allen acted fast; he scooped me up, and carried me inside the safety of the building. Right before we reached the school’s safety, Allen staggered for a second. He almost fell down, but righted himself and let out a small hiss from behind his teeth.

Shots were flying past us, and I wouldn’t have been surprised if I got hit again.

The Principal was running around not knowing what to do. He looked my straight in the eyes, and eventually down to my leg.

My leg was gushing blood, and covered Allen at a surprising rate. It was gross, and I thought, if I survived this, that I would have to try and gross Megan out with this. Also, tell Allen thanks for saving my life.

The nurse just happened to be near, and she came over. She saw my leg and the blood.

"Come to my office with me."

Then she looked at Allen and said, " Do you have her?"

Allen just nodded and the nurse spun on her heels and climbed the steps so fast, Allen had to run to keep up.

When we got to the office, Mrs. Grisshop was all business.

"Lay her down on the bed," she ordered.

Allen lay me down gently and stood there looking embarrassed.

While Mrs. Grisshop was looking around for the supplies she needed, my eyes wandered around the room, eventually landing on Allen. He was just standing there looking straight into my eyes. We both blushed and looked away.

Then Mrs. Grisshop came back into the room, her arms full of bandages, some strange-smelling liquids, and some other stuff all piled neatly all the way up to her elbows.

She smiled strangely and said, "Allen, can you go over and sit in that chair for me?" The nurse pointed to a seat that was right next to the bed.

Allen walked over to the chair, sat down, and watched me while Mrs. Grisshop put the strange-smelling liquid onto my leg.

I hissed and bite my tongue to keep from yelling out loud.

Allen squirmed in his seat. Then he looked away, out the window.

Then Mrs. Grisshop put bandages over the liquid stuff she put on.

Now, my leg was very hurt so I could not hold back anymore… "OOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWEEEEEEEEEE!" I yelled at the top of my lungs.

Allen jumped to his feet, looked at me, and sat back down when he saw I was still okay, just a sting from the medicine.

"Hmmm…" I thought to myself. "I guess he cares about me, maybe after this is all over, he might ask me out." I smiled at that thought.

"Happy again?" Mrs. Grisshop asked.

"Not really, just thinking about something." I replied.


Then I noticed something I hadn’t before…Allen was bleeding! I guess he got his arm shot, because he was bleeding really badly. That’s probably why he hissed.

Mrs. Grisshop also seemed to just have noticed to because she turned to Allen and said, "Okay, let’s have a look at that arm."

"It doesn’t hurt," Allen said with a slight quiver in his voice, I knew he was lying.

"That doesn’t mean it won’t get infected if not treated!" Mrs. Grisshop shot back.

A small war, a personal one. I better stay out of this one…

Mrs. Grisshop grabbed Allen’s arm before he could protest.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" He yelled when the nurse poked his arm.

"How do you like that? You don’t, do you? That’s how it will be if you get it infected, but 1,000 times worse." Mrs. Grisshop’s eyes were glowing because she knew she won this war.

I almost giggled, but I knew this was not the time nor place, so I held myself back.

I watched Mrs. Grisshop treat Allen’s arm until she was done. Then the announcements came on.

"To all students and staff, the building is now safe. The intruders have left and not many people were hurt. Only two people, and after they are treated, they are to come to the main office. Thank you for being calm, and not jumping out the window."

Across the hall, I heard students laughing.

"Can we go now?" I asked. I was getting tired of just sitting around all day.

"Okay, but Michelle, you’re going to have to lean on Allen. I don’t want him picking you up again because of his arm. Also, I don’t want you to have to support all of your weight on your injured leg"

Mrs. Grisshop stood, and waited for us by the door. Allen slowly stood up, and walked over to me. I stood up, and leaned on him.

We walked through the halls and down staircases until we got to the main office.

There I saw my whole class, waiting for us. I hugged Melissa, Maddy, and Kylie. "I hope I’m back soon," I said with a slight sadness in my voice. "Send some cards or something," I managed to smile before leaning back on Allen.

When I walked past Megan, I pulled her a little bit closer with one hand, and pushed Allen a little away with the other, and said, "Allen saved my life, and I thank him for it. We probably will become best friends and might even date." I smiled a small smile, only big enough for Megan to see.

The office of course, had called an ambulance as soon as they knew they had injured kids… Also, parents got called.

The ambulance was actually kind of cozy. This was my second ride ever in an ambulance and not just the kind were you go into and ambulance and look around. My first Dad got in a wreck and I had to ride in an ambulance.


The ambulance people offered us teddy bears, even though we were almost teenagers.

I accepted, and hugged my teddy bear to death.

Allen didn’t want one, but took one after he saw I did.

I was REALLY sure he liked me now…

My eyes dozed off while listening to the guys in the ambulance talk about…whatever they were talking about.

I jerked awake when something poked me. My eyes popped open, and looked around.

The two guys were in a corner of the ambulance, talking away. Allen was looking at me, and I saw that his arm was sticking out of the chair/bed thing that rolled.

I gently reached over and tucked his arm back next to his body. We both smiled.

Then the guys walked back over to us and said, "About three more minutes until we get to the hospital."

I saw Allen slowly closing and opening his eyes, as if he couldn’t stay awake. I didn’t think he could much longer. Nor could I, to tell you the truth.

As if there was glue on my eyes, they shut. And stayed shut.

Next thing I knew, someone was sticking a big needle in my arm. I almost screamed again, except Allen was right there watching me. I hated needles.

Allen’s arm and my leg had both been bandaged. I still saw some red blood seeping through the bandage on Allen’s arm though.

I looked around again. This was a pretty small room, but I guess Allen and I had to share it. There were two beds, one window, a small stand, which had the nurse’s supplies on it, and a closet with two doors.

Allen and I had to share the closet now too…

The nurse said, "You were lucky you both didn’t die. A lot of people die from getting shot each year."

She continued, even when we didn’t say anything. "You will both have to share a closet, I’m sorry. Everybody took the bigger rooms, but the closet is divided into two parts, so you should be fine. Please, don’t go through each other’s things. I’ll let you guys call your parents for clothes and other necessities in a little, but for right now, just try to get comfortable. You guys know each other, right?"

We both nodded.

"Okay, then I’ll leave you for now. Another nurse will be back later to take some more tests and samples of your blood." Then the nurse walked out of the room.

I slowly stood up and started looking around the room.

Allen watched me for about 10 minutes until he lay back on his bed and fell asleep.

Then I noticed that I was really tired. My eyes opened and shut for a while until darkness took me again. The last thing I remember was Allen’s eyes opening, and then him running over to me.

Sleep was my get-away from life, from the people of the world. From myself…

I heard voices whispering around me. Probably talking about what happened to me.

"What did happen to me? I asked myself.

Then I remembered I wasn’t in bed when I fell asleep! I guess I must have fallen on the floor. So that’s why Allen ran over to me…

All of a sudden the whispers stopped and I heard people leaving the room.

"Michelle?" Allen whispered.

My eye popped open, and Allen jumped back a little bit.

"Hi," I said. "What’s happening?"

Allen settled back down, and sat on the edge of my bed. "Not much, just that you fell asleep standing, and fell down onto the ground."

"Yeah. I know, sorry."

"It’s okay," Allen said with a smile. "The nurse told me not to wake you up, but I had a feeling you were already awake. She’ll probably be back soon, and then you can call your parents for clothes and stuff."

"Thanks for telling me this, but how did you know I wasn’t sleeping anymore?"

"I saw you flinch your finger a little bit, but nobody else noticed."

"Who was in here? I heard them all leave, but I couldn’t hear what they were saying." I keep both eyes shut while I was talking, and considered going back to sleep.

"Oh, just doctors worried sick about you. You are quite the gossip around here; I always hear nurses and doctors talking about you. Some are even betting, like how long you’ll stay here, what your parents look like, and so forth. Also…"

"Also what?"

Allen kept his eye on the ground and said, "They are talking among themselves if we…"

"Have a relationship?"

"Yeah. I should go up to a group of nurses and doctors and tell them that we don’t have a relationship and they don’t need to know nothing about our personal lives, but I can’t because we aren’t aloud out of this room without a nurse’s or doctor’s supervision. They even put on bracelets on our feet to make sure of it."

I thought for a second about this then said, "I have an idea."

"Yeah? What is it?"

"Okay, the next time a group of doctors and nurses walk by, get their attention, and then I can lean out the doorway, my foot still in the room, and tell them."

"Good idea, but are you sure you really want to go through with it?"

"Of course! Don’t you want to clear our names?"

"Yeah, but… Okay, never mind. Let’s do it!"

We sat near the door for a while, until two doctors walked by, whispering as they got closer. Then Allen called, "Excuse me? Doctors?"

The doctors stopped talking and turned to him.
"Yes?" One asked.

Then I popped out, my head sticking way out and my foot still in the room. "Since you didn’t ask yourselves, I wanted to tell you."

The doctors stood there for a minute, not knowing what to say. Then the other one said, "Tell us what? And what didn’t we ask?"

Nurses and other doctors stopped for a second, listening. Then they went back to work, but kept their ears open.

I sighed and said, "Allen and I are NOT dating, he never even held my hand before. So, stop the gossip. Okay? We are sick of doctors and nurses making false rumors. We hear them even when you whisper." While I was saying this, my other foot was loosening the band on my foot.

They just stood there, not saying anything.

Just then, I got the footband off. I looked back at Allen, smiled, and hopped out of the room.

"Lousy doctors. They may be able to cure sickness, but suck at not gossiping. I don’t really know who starts the gossip though, the doctors or the nurses." I stopped, and pretended I was thinking.

All of the nurses and doctors that had hear that, stopped and stared.

"So, who is it? The doctors or nurses? And why the heck did we get footbands on our feet?!?" I was really getting mad now.

Everybody just stared at me, not saying a word. Then a janitor raised his hand.


"Umm… actually the nurses are the gossipers, the doctors just pass it around." All the nurses and doctor stared at this young man with hatred. I think he was a janitor.

"Thanks. Finally someone gave me a convincing answer. But answer this, what do the janitors do?" I looked over at the janitor, interested in what he would say.

"They try to clean up the messes."

I laughed. "Well, you nurses and doctors better stop it, or I will start some gossip about this."

They all just mumbled "Okay", and started walking away again.

I walked back into the room, satisfied with myself.

Allen was just standing in the doorway, with big eyes and a surprised look on his face.

"What?" I asked.

"I can’t believe it, you actually told them that. Man, did you say it. You rock at speaking your mind!" He high-fived me.

Then he gave me a quick hug.

"Umm..." he stopped hugging me, and looked down, embarrassed. "Sorry."

I laughed again. "It’s okay, I don’t mind."

"Okay." He said, smiling again.

Then a nurse came in.

"I guess this is the nurse that is supposed to take our blood and stuff. Hmmm… she

looks kind of nervous. Haha, of course she is. I would too if a twelve year old girl threatened my career." I thought.

"Umm…. Excuse me?"

Allen and I turned. "Yes?" I asked.

She was pulling out a needle. "I’m sorry if I am bugging you, but I need to take a blood sample."

"Oh, okay." I said.

Allen looked nervous.

I playfully, but gently punched his arm. "What? Are you afraid of a little needle?"

Allen laughed, in a beautiful way. "No, just nervous for you. You might need to be strapped down on your bed so you don’t run and hurt yourself. You might crash through a window, and then I will have to come visit you when you are at this hospital, getting better."

I sighed a long sigh. "I can’t stand this hospital, well, you know what I mean."


The nurse was now standing right next to us. "Who is first?" She asked, trying to put on a smile. But it seemed too hard for her, so she just gave up.

I pointed to Allen and said, "He wants to go first! Don't you?" I raised my eyebrows.

"Umm… not really, but I don't care." He lifted his arm and the nurse put the needle in. Then he clenched his teeth and closed his eyes.

I stared straight in his face, watching him.

"Ha! You think needles hurt! I found your weak spot!" I jumped up and started dancing. Then I stopped because the nurse was pulling out the needle.

"I'll pick the bandage!!!"

I ran over to the nurse's bag, and picked out a bandage of the ones she had laid down.

"Hmmm…" I said.

Then I picked up a Blues Clues one. I walked over to Allen and put it on. "There!" I said, smiling.

Allen looked up at me doubtfully, and said, "Haha, okay, but it's your turn now."

I stared at the big needle coming at my arm. "Ugh… I hate needles."

I closed my eyes and felt the needle prick my skin. When I opened my eyes, Allen was in my face, with a big smile on his face. "You're afraid of needles too!"

Then he put a Transformers bandage on my arm.

"We’re even." He said with a smile.

"Unfair, Blues Clues are a lot better than Transformers!" I said and we both cracked up.

The nurse was silently leaving the room while we were having fun with putting bandages on each other. I stopped and turned to her and asked, "Can I call my parents now?"

She stopped and slowly turned to me. "There is a phone right behind you, use that one. Press 1 and then whatever you parent’s number is."

"Thanks," I said and put on one of my bright, but kind of scary smile.

Then nurse hurried out of the room, and I heard Allen laughing behind me. "Haha, you totally scared her!"

I bowed and started cracking up too. "Okay, but I seriously need to call my parents for clothes now."

"Sure, but don’t forget to ask for your night-light."

"I don’t have one." I said and turned to the phone.

I dialed 1 the area code, and then my Dad’s cellphone number. 937-654-6722. While the phone rang, I sat down on my bed and Allen sat down next to me. "Hello?" My Dad’s voice asked.

"Hey Dad! Well, yeah, as you probably already know, I’m in a hospital. Can you bring me some clothes?"

"Sure, are there any specific one you want?"

"Yeah, are you at home right now?"

"Yup, and I’m heading downstairs right now."

"Okay, well go to my closet and the stuff I wear most is on the bottom shelf."

I heard my Dad laugh. "Okay, do you want me to just put a bunch in a big bag?"

"Sure, there is a pile for shirts and a pile for pants."

"Do you need any underwear?"

"Ya think?" I said my voice layered with sarcasm.

"Is there anything else you want?"

"Could you get my Gameboy, Sansa, and my hairbrush?"

I heard my Dad walk around a bit. "Where is your Gameboy?"

"It’s in one my drawers on the side of my bunkbed."

The opening and closing of drawers was the only sound I heard for a few seconds until my Dad said, "I have everything you want now, so I’m going head for the hospital right now. Okay?"

"Okay, bye."

"Bye, don’t get in any trouble until I get there."

"Are you saying I can get in trouble after you get here?"

"No, don’t get in trouble at all."

"Got it, see you in a little bit."

Then I hung up.

Allen smiled, "So, I get to met your Dad?"

"I hope not."


"Because I don’t want him to get worried because I’m sharing a room with a boy."

"Oh, well, I don’t think you should worry, because visiting hours are over, he can only drop off your stuff."

"I hope so," I said with a sigh and I lay back down on my bed. My eyes closed and the last thing I felt was Allen brushing his finger on my cheek.

I slept until it was late at night, but then everybody else was sleeping. My stuff was set right next to the door.

I peeked over at Allen’s bed, but he wasn’t there. Then I looked down and saw Allen sleeping on the floor next to my bed.

Even though I was still a bit tired and wanted almost nothing more than to go back to sleep, I forced myself out of bed and limped over to my stuff. I picked out a shirt and p.j. pants. "Hmm, my Dad thinks of everything." I thought.

Then I limped slowly over to Allen and laid next to him while he slept for a little before I got back up, went over to my bed, got a blanket that I didn’t think I would need, and put it over him.

Before I climbed back in bed to sleep though, I reached down and ran my fingers through Allen’s hair.

His eyes popped open, and I jumped back and landed on my butt with a small grunt.

He smiled and reached for my hand. I scooted back over to him and took his hand. Then he pulled my closer and put the blanket over the two of us. I turned to him, and he, being himself, took this opportunity and kissed me.

I felt my body weaken and felt more relaxed than I had ever felt. My eyes closed and I just felt, not knowing what could happen.

Allen wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close. I started to drift to sleep and felt Allen lift me up to my bed. I slowly opened one eye and whispered, "Sleeping on the floor is bad on your back."

We both smiled one last time and he bent over and kissed me. Then I heard him gather up his blankets and pillow and throw them back on his bed. He took the blanket I gave him and put it back on me.

He walked to the other side of my bed and started talking, knowing I was still awake. "Will you go out with me? I mean, you didn’t resist when I kissed you or anything."

I turned to him and whispered, "Maybe it was because I was unable to."

"Unlikely, besides what would you do if I kissed you right now?"

He bent over and kissed me on the lips. Then waited, "Nothing," he said. "You did absolutely nothing when I kissed you.

He chuckled softly and started kissing my on the neck. "So, what do you say? I know you want to say yes, and you know it too."

I looked at him and said, "I want you to be mine."

Allen smiled and said, "We better get to bed now, okay? I’ll lay here with you until you fall asleep, and if you get up in the middle of the night, you are welcome over at my bed."

I smiled back and before he could react, I leaned over and kissed him. Then I pulled him close and started to drift off to sleep. I could feel Allen playing with my hair, and right before I fell into a deep slumber, I felt him kiss me softly on the cheek and get out of my bed and walk over to his own.

By the time I was awake, breakfast had already been served and it was already lunchtime.

The room was empty but I saw a note on the end of my bed. I picked it up and read,

"Michelle, if you get up before I get back, I’m at the restaurant across the street. The nurse said we get a day off. Don’t sleep through it. Smile Meet me there, because I have some money and you will probably be hungry by the time you get up.



"Oh my gosh, I better hurry," I thought.
Quickly, I took off my p.j.s, put on a pair on jeans, and my sun shirt that changed colors in the sun. I went through my bag and found my hairbrush and deodorant. I quickly brushed my hair, put it into a ponytail, and put on some deodorant.

I rushed to the bathroom, washed my face, and looked myself in the mirror. "Hmm… kind of messy, but it will have to do." I took the note from Allen and stuffed it in my pocket.

I looked around to make sure the room was clean, and strolled out into the hallway. Every nurse or doctor I walked by just pretended I wasn’t there.

Then I stopped a doctor, hurrying past me and asked, "How do I get to the first floor?"

"Uh... well, go down this hall, to the right, and there is an elevator. From there, go to the bottom level, straight ahead a little, and right into the hallway."

"Thanks," I said and smiled at the doctor.

He just nodded a bit and hurried on.

I follow the doctor’s directions, and got to the elevator. I pressed to down button and waited for the elevator.

My leg hardly hurt anymore and I only limped a little now, not enough to be noticeable.

When the elevator beeped and the doors slid open, the elevator was empty. I walked in and pressed the L button, for lobby.

While I moved down a few floors, I looked around my surroundings. I was thinking about pressing all of the buttons before I got off, but I was almost a teenager, and only kids do that. Then the doors open and nobody was there. XD I couldn’t resist but press all the buttons. I pressed them all, and walked off at a fast pace.

Right before the elevator doors closed, a person blocked them and got in. "Hey!" I heard them yell.

"I guess he found out about the buttons, but nobody saw me, so I’m fine," I thought.

But I still walked a bit faster. Then I turned right and saw the lobby.

My mouth hung open, "Man, this is a beautiful lobby," I thought to myself.

It was huge and looked expensive. There were glass chandeliers hanging from the ceiling, many flowers, and other nice looking things.

I walked to the door and it was one of those swirling doors that you could go in circles in, but I didn’t have anymore time to waste on stupid things like that, so I just went through once.

When I got to the other side, I saw the city. I didn’t know exactly what city it was, but it didn’t look so bad.

I looked across the street and saw the restaurant Allen must have been talking about. It was actually a café and people were sitting there, eating lunch and talking.

I stepped up close to the road, looked both ways, and when I saw no cars, ran across.

When I was right in front of the café, a waiter came up to me and asked, "Would you like to be seated?"

"No thank you, I am looking for someone."

"Okay, Miss Mademoiselle."

"Hmm… French café," I thought.

Then I walked around a bit looking for Allen, when I heard a voice. "Hey, Michelle!"

I looked over and saw Allen.

Calmly, I walked over to his table, and sat down.

"Glad you could make it, so, are you hungry?"

"You think? After sleeping so much, and not eating, how could a person not be hungry?"

He gave a small laugh, raised his arm in the air, and made some weird sort of gesture. Then the same waited that asked me if I wanted to be seated, hurried over.

The waiter gave me a small smile and said, "And what would you like today, Mademoiselle?" Then he handed me a menu.

I browsed through the menu really quick, scanning for something that sounded interesting.

I found a good sounding fish dish and ordered it. Allen ordered the same thing.

To drink, I ordered Diet Mountain Dew and Allen got Dr. Pepper.

We talked while we waited for the waiter to come with our food. "So, what time do we have to be back in the hospital?" I asked Allen.

"7:30, and I was wondering…"


"Well, after lunch, would you like to go see a movie?"

"Sure, which one?"

"What do you want to watch?"

"I don’t really know yet."

"Okay, you can decide when we get there."

"Okay." I said and smiled.

We sat there for a few minutes, silent. Then Allen asked, "Girls like going shopping, right?"


"Do you want to go shopping after we eat, bring the stuff to the hospital, and then go watch a movie?"

"Sounds good!" We both smiled and sat there, silent again. Neither of us knew what to say to the other.

Then the waiter came with our drinks, and we sat and silently sipped our drinks until I said, "I wonder when we get to go back home."

Allen just sat there for a second, not knowing what to say, but then replied, "The day after tommarro I think. Oh, and I forgot to tell you, but you got cards from people from school. I got a few, but I read them all already."

"Awesome. What did they say?"

"We miss you and hope you get better soon and stuff like that."


Just then the waiter came again with our food, "Bon appetite."

"Thank you." I said.

Allen just nodded a bit, and watched until I took my first bite. He watched me eat for a few seconds until I looked up at him, then he looked down and took a bite of his fish.

We ate both of us waiting for the other to say something.

All of a sudden, without any sort of warning, someone came up behind me, and in a cheerful voice said, "Aren’t you a bit young for boys?"

I tilted my head back and saw the pleasant face of my Grammer and Language Arts teacher.

*To be Continued*

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