Currently, as I write this blog, the worst natural disaster in australian history is going on behind me. In victoria, australia, the worst bushfires (in history, i rekon) have been burning through several towns, homes and bush.
181 people are dead - some didn't even get a chance to run when the wind changed direction. others stayed to save there homes, some were running but weren't fast enough
80 others are missing - they haven't been seen since the fires, they could have been burned to non recognision. they could have escaped...
1000's are homeless, posessionless and families are torn.
but these fires are no where near contained, and the heat isn't helping, nor the wind.
they need help, so australia is pulling together and we have raised over 28 million so far, but they still need help. i think that australia will appreciate you guys praying for them...................................
=D just wanted to let you know.................
omg that's terrible!! i'm really sorry. has ur family been harmed?
i know, its horrible, casue we're sitting her, but can't do more that donate. and our family is in another state, so we're alright.