if shes looking at u a lot then most likely shes crushing on u. now gossip can be hard to tell sometimes. if u can hear her talken, listen to her voice, like how high or low it is. if its kinda high then shes not gossiping about u, if its kinda low she might be gossiping about u. hope the info helps
Quote:Originally posted by: NightIsHere
if shes looking at u a lot then most likely shes crushing on u. now gossip can be hard to tell sometimes. if u can hear her talken, listen to her voice, like how high or low it is. if its kinda high then shes not gossiping about u, if its kinda low she might b...
Quote:Originally posted by: NightIsHere
if shes looking at u a lot then most likely shes crushing on u. now gossip can be hard to tell sometimes. if u can hear her talken, listen to her voice, like how high or low it is. if its kinda high then shes not gossiping about u, if its kinda low she might be gossiping about u. hope the info helps
thnx, that'll help a bit. thnx
Quote:Originally posted by: NightIsHere
welcome!!and still think im pathetic? jk, jk!!! if u want ill type a message to u Why? i was laughing at alex.
ya, ok, but shes only 10 u know. lol
ok... since im a girl, i think i could help you. she may look at you, then look away if she thinks ur watching. she'll think ur ok, and when you talk to her, she may laugh a little harder. she might try to find something in common with you, then talk about it.
now, with gossiping, if she and her fri...
ok... since im a girl, i think i could help you. she may look at you, then look away if she thinks ur watching. she'll think ur ok, and when you talk to her, she may laugh a little harder. she might try to find something in common with you, then talk about it.
now, with gossiping, if she and her friends heads are close, they are usually gossiping on a guy. if the girl who you thnk likes you then makes gestures that could me that the other one knows something, but can't tell. XD lol, otherwise its hard to tell..... or they could deniy it... but yeah.... good luck!
Quote:Originally posted by: MangaRulz
ok... since im a girl, i think i could help you. she may look at you, then look away if she thinks ur watching. she'll think ur ok, and when you talk to her, she may laugh a little harder. she might try to find something in common with you, then talk about it.
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Quote:Originally posted by: MangaRulz
ok... since im a girl, i think i could help you. she may look at you, then look away if she thinks ur watching. she'll think ur ok, and when you talk to her, she may laugh a little harder. she might try to find something in common with you, then talk about it.
now, with gossiping, if she and her friends heads are close, they are usually gossiping on a guy. if the girl who you thnk likes you then makes gestures that could me that the other one knows something, but can't tell. XD lol, otherwise its hard to tell..... or they could deniy it... but yeah.... good luck!
yea, I DUNNO... LOL... the thing is, i heard her say my name twice to another girl, but i think she could be playing some joke on me cuz yesterday sum1 spread a rumor saying i was suspended but i wasnt... so... i dunno... in the middle of a language class she was looking at me across the room... but... i dunno... and i heard her say my name to a friend of hers later on in the class... and when i got off the tram on the way home she was looking at me again... then when i looked in her direction she turned away... but i dunno
i think that girl likes u!!! if u like her start talken to her!!! if shes nice to u theres no way she or any of her friends started that rumor!!! plus she seems shy so if or when ur talken to her be calm...i can see how she acts cuz i do the same thing o//o and about her talken to her friends...the...
i think that girl likes u!!! if u like her start talken to her!!! if shes nice to u theres no way she or any of her friends started that rumor!!! plus she seems shy so if or when ur talken to her be calm...i can see how she acts cuz i do the same thing o//o and about her talken to her friends...their probly saying how cute u r, or shes telling them who she likes...so it really is hard to tell if anyone is gossiping about anyone!!!!!!!!!!!! but u should talk to her, or give her something. awww this is all sooo cute!!! but every girl is different, just remember that.
im a girl... if the girl walks up to you and stares at you then walks away ...that means that she likes you ....and if a girl acts werid or shy around you she might like you
if shes looking at u a lot then most likely shes crushing on u. now gossip can be hard to tell sometimes. if u can hear her talken, listen to her voice, like how high or low it is. if its kinda high then shes not gossiping about u, if its kinda low she might b...
welcome!!and still think im pathetic? jk, jk!!! if u want ill type a message to u Why? i was laughing at alex.
ya, ok, but shes only 10 u know. lol
now, with gossiping, if she and her fri...
ok... since im a girl, i think i could help you. she may look at you, then look away if she thinks ur watching. she'll think ur ok, and when you talk to her, she may laugh a little harder. she might try to find something in common with you, then talk about it.
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mmm...jaden has girl problems ._.