well recently, http://www.drawingnow.com/RappaNateDawgg insulted my gallery. i dont think he even looked at it. (he hates me cuz i dont like WWE) and if he did, hes the first 1 to say that. I asked 2 random ppl on live chat on what they thought. cakekay and rawr_baabee.
rawr_baabee] 4:42 pm: i looked at ur draw
ings, there good!
[Kisame_Hoshigaki_09] 4:42 pm: thnx!
[cakekay] 4:45 pm: okay
[cakekay] 4:46 pm: te latest ones are great
[cakekay] 4:46 pm: i like your latest drawing with tobi and kakashi
[cakekay] 4:46 pm: but your old ones are kinda awkward? o.O room for improvement?
[cakekay] 4:47 pm: but yeh ill rate it 8 and a half out of 10
[cakekay] 4:47 pm: so good job
[Kisame_Hoshigaki_09] 4:47 pm: my oldies, the first ones like sakura and temari, they
[Kisame_Hoshigaki_09] 4:47 pm: lol
so thats what they said. what did rappanate dog say?
"your gallery sux, show off"
well, i think its obvious that i made this for publicity. but just give me a chance guys, i want UR OPINION on MY gallery, k? if u read this, tell me what u think of the gallery, and chek it out with this link, http://www.drawingnow.com/user/Kisame_Hoshigaki_09/gallery also guys, theres a new image coming to my gallery, should be up tomorrow 6 30 pm australian time. chek it out, an enjoy ur self.