Grandma-"Not going to school will be your punishment!"

Dad-"But mommy that's the only time you let us out!"

Grandma-"No buts!Now go back and watch tv."

Ok,you're probably thinking what the buck was that?!

Well that was my dad when he was 12 and that was grandma when she was 32.xD

now you're probably wondering "why would not going to school be a punishment?",it's because my grandma never let my dad or my aunts and uncle out to play in the summer with the other kids so they wud actually look forward to school so they can be with other kids.ok lemme just remindthey were all pretty much 12-14 yrs old xD so ud think my grandma wud hve more faith in my aunts and well 1.shes paranoid 2.they lived in Jersey City which is uuhh..a bit u know trashy i guess?lol and 3.all my aunts and uncles are nuts anyways and they were better stayin inside the house instead of destroyin jersey city xD so yeah u get it now lol and when they were in the house 24/7 they ud just watch tv i mean no comp no vid games no music players???thats like a total hell to i ask u yes u whoever the fudge is readin this blog to plz comment if u know if ur parents or even a friend or hey even urself hve been throu this situation xD cant wait for ur comments xD

i've been stuck in the house grounded but i was sent to school as a pusement
  • August 22, 2009
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school is a waste of time i could do is with my eyes closed
  • August 22, 2009
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i only have 2 go 2 skool 2 days a week cuz im super smart!
  • August 22, 2009
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