1. Wait till in is the 30th at night, sneak in their room wearing a mask or costurme. While their sleeping, sneak into their closet and make some noise causing them to wake. Their will be things that can actually happen A. They will be too scared to even check out the closet or B. The will and that´s when you surprise them.

2. Buy a pack of Tootsie Rolls, Take eight to ten of them out of the pack making the one big lump of chocolate. Mix in some peanuts and grains that you like to eat, make the one long piece of chocolate by rolling it out it has to be about and inch thick you will create Dog s**t forming it into a snirl or in different peices however seems more realistic to you. After creating your masterpiece, you will take and add some nuts (one or two) on the outside of the "s**t" to make it look even more realistic dab some water on it. Be creative use it wherever you want.

Thanks, if you have any pranks just post a comment with it.
  • October 28, 2009
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