Loved ones
by Gracie
When we lose people we don't actually lose them .we'll never lose the people we care about might not be able to see them but that doesn't mean there not there.they will always be with you every step of the roud .so for you people out there who have lost someone dear to you don't think there gone because there not and don't hide from the people that try to talk to you and help you with your loss.
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- January 7, 2016 2:53 am
TheKev, Boom Falchion Hedgehog'Seals, Fr051t and 7 others likes this.
i lost my grandmother
- January 8, 2016
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I have lost my uncle
- January 8, 2016
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Oh sorry for your losses
- January 8, 2016
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sorry about that i lost my great paw and my pawpaw and now i am afraid i am going to loose my grandmother
- January 13, 2016
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Its fine she is actually doing pretty well now
- January 15, 2016
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