Welcome to my "diary"..... I'll do something here every once in awhile, so just check in whenever.... I don't really care....
Okay, so, umm.... I MIGHT put some of my work on here, but you never know what I'll do. I'm a very hard person to read, and you never know what I'll do next.
My profile picture is of my best guyfriend, and the boy that will forever have my heart, Devhan, aka Dante Mechail Chambers. I absolutly LOVE him, and he knows it <3! He's not much older than me (just a few months, actually, so he's 14, too). HE'S MINE GIRLS, SO BACK OFF!!!!
Ummmm.... I have a bunch of pets... Five dogs, ten fishies, five chickens, a cat, a rabbit, a gerbil... And who knows what else..... Oh, well....
To Everyone Who matters to me,
7 cats
4 dogs
2 turtles
4 hamsters
2 fish +scratch that+ 1 fish
1 retarded brother
2 parrots
Never mind, you won this round even though I counted my little brother. (shucks, I so thought I had this one)
You think you have a lot of pets, you have to hear my count.
7 cats
4 dogs
2 turtles
4 hamsters
2 fish +scratch that+ 1 fish
1 retarded brother
2 parrots
Never mind, you won this round even though I counted my little brot...
Having lots of pets is cool, but I don't even have pets, but I don't care. Btw I only have 2 brothers. o-o
lullzz.... Brothers can count as pets ;3