Hi,this is Carina and Kat!
This year we are hosting a Christmas Contest Extravaganza!
THe contest will be brought to you by XxCreepyKidsOnCrackxX
We want to bring some Christmas spirit for this year of 2009 in Drawingnow.com.
This contest will be based on who has the BEST Christmas decorated page!
This includes everything from,background page,icons,graphics,and music!
THe winner will have the option of Carina/CheCarina12
Remodeling thier page! For the start of 2010!
Kat/Akatsuki291 will design a banner to put on the XxCreepyKidsOnCrackxX account with the winners name advertising them!
Please submit a msg letting us know you want to join!
and also for questions on this extravaganza!
PLZ msg us by December 6!
We need to know how many people will participate! After that get started and on December 21 THE WINNER WILL BE ANNOUNCED!!!!
We encourage you to please join!
Carina D. & Kat V.
*There will also be another contest that you might want to join ,CHRISTMAS QUEEN OF 2009! Brought to you by CheCarina12*
Wow. Seems like there's gonna be lots of Christmas contests. I might make one too.