Yeah, pets are awesome. I like to think of them more as friends than ownership things, though. I have two bettas (more commonly known as fighting fish) named Tsurami and Garnet (both boys and of course with their own tanks, wouldn't want them killing eachother). It might sound weird but every now and then I give them little affectionate kisses (well, I give the TANK a kiss, which in turn carries it over to my fishies).

   Tsurami's the one with te strange, sharkish personality. He won't eat his food unless my finger's there touching it Otherwise he totally ignores it. Once my finger's touching the food, he comes up and gulps down the food... and sometimes even tries at my finger. Yesterday he tried biting at my finger, but it slipped out of his tiny mouth, Garnet's a bit more subtle, and doesn't mind if my finger's there or not. both of them swim up to me whenever I'm outside their tank.

   I love my little fishies. =3

Topics: betta, siamese, fighting, fish, pet
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