ok i dont know exactly what to go from here but this is how it started ok. i'm a 14 teen year old girl who simply wants to know. to know about what is on your mind right? um ok to tell you the truth what is there to know. you was born i was born and now we live on earth to do who knows what until we all die. people say to live your life to the fullest ok but then what do you do. i had a hard time figuring out what to do until at the moment something happnen. you know that out of this world thing that ends up coming for no paticular reason. yeah it happens i konw it sucks right. i liked to till you my story if you want. so this is my blog hope you have intrest in it becuase if we dont have any intrest in life we disappear into nada.
chapter 1: "Angel Wings"
hi my name is kanji kishimoto(not really just a character name). i have to go this uptight school of mine because my parents consider me really smart. i guess you would not want to call your self dumm would yah. if you do cool. anyway yuki and masahi are my parents name, there strick and you could just leave at that. to me i think the only they got together was beacause of that commmon strick side of them. i dont consider myself as strick just um normal some how. my parents went out to do bussiness stuff while i was left home to packe for school. its not what a normal kid should be doing on a saturday night huh. i have some free time before my life goes crazy so how about i give a description about myself and my so called life. i'm tall, red head short( not to be called this as a nick name please dont), i have light blue eyes and odly enouf i get along with people despise my parents attitude and character. i am tired of following the rules, but know i have to until i leave this house. but you know what i think i can deal with it or die with it hows that for a Philosophy!!!. i'm done backing know so i guess i'll go for a walk see yah later computer =).
if you think you want to read on you'll have to wait until kanji is done with his walk he might just find something that will make him be forced to break a few rules >-< please give kanji some words of advice before he comments suiceid( lets juts hope that does not go to far) HELP KANJI HIS READERS IS ALL HE GOTS) that and a whole buch of maximumride books+FANG he has to read) see yah!!
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! bye-bye now
did yah like the story..... i had alot of typos though :D
you read maximum ride???? one of my bffs does. her name starts with a K but i dont think she'll apreciate me saying it to you. anyway, i like the story so far
her names starts with a k hmm..... any way yeah i read all the resit books i only gots the very la...