Question. Do people have lives when OFF of this site? I'm asking this because most people probably dont. I'm on Live chat right now (note: I'm writing this at 7:52 pm feb 5 2011) and there are people who are picking on chips29. They say he's a pedphile. A 42 or 67 yr old man. A guy who likes other men. A person with no life. Frankly, I'd rather not stick my nose in other peoples business but I have to ask. Who is chips? I believe in a ton of junk most kids my age wouldnt even DARE think about. I dont believe this stuff one bit. If someone can explain this whole problem to me clearly, I'd greatly appreciate it.
Of course, they do have lives. But people here, on the internet, are not really who they are most of the time. So it doesn't really bother me if someone insults me here. It seems that making fun of people is amusing, well, rather "fun" to some kids these days. So...