please dont think bad of
me but ill have to say good bye i cant keep
 living a life i cant under stand and if u
get wot im saying dont cry for me keep
them for hen u will need them but theres a
upside if your here from me tomarrow i
havnt don it but if not this is good bye for
good ill will miss u but just get this were
ever i go it will be better than this place i
call pray for me and hope i get my wings
and halo good bye ashy
    [Shadow_walker] 6:52 pm: what?
    [Shadow_walker] 6:52 pm: what do you
[moona] 6:52 pm: good bye       ashy
[moona] 6:52 pm: for good
    [Shadow_walker] 6:52 pm: what your
leaveing? ok ill see you soo...wait what
nonononononono this is all i have left shes gone every body who reads this i hope you had gotten the chance to meet moona she was a wounderfull peep and i will miss her alotnone of the sines show what im fealing i am fealing sadness and pain hurt and sarrow do not try and coumpart me it will not work moona was grate and i will miss her soooooo much :cry:

Topics: old, tag, dont, judge, me
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