I'm extremely bored right now, so a couple of minutes ago I was surfing around. I found some pretty interesting things. You should try them. XD

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! (Use in any dissapointing moment)

IS IT TUESDAY? (In case you're not sure whether it's tuesday or not)

ZOMBO.COM (Not really sure what to say about this site. Just try it. XD)

*WARNING* The site below has some inappropriate pictures in it. Viewers discretion is advised.

THE happy TEST  (Are you gay? Find out here!)

There's also Webmaizer, which let's you go through some interesting sites. I didn't spend a lot of time on it though.

That's about it. It kept me entertained for the best part of half an hour. Have a nice day! Wink

Topics: boredom, random, websites
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