my soul is cold! </3 is apart! ..oh ohh ohhh my soul... its cold! and my </3 is appaart!tonight's the night i might just fight TO LET IT GOOOO!
and every-time i (-couldnt find a rhyme ^^) close my eyes,
i feel no appeal
i fear i will never heaal!
as my heart peels apart
i know i loved to
hard, t'was tossed like tainted lard
people regard for my heart being in shards.
i am always treated wrong.. i was cheated,
i am often greeted by feeling uncompleted
i am a half..
of a different whole (that makes others laugh)
all my boyfriends do intend..
to bend,and twist my soul and being...
i cannot mend.. for i recommend.. and i dont mean to offend...
but i have condescended them...