
Mj-Draw,dance,wirte. those things are inportant to me. there my fav one is Wirting if you were in my mind you would be speechless thats why i put it down and paper.But its about shows so i put them on a this web site so people can read them.I also Draw people in my storys or draw for fun on this stie.Last but not least Dance Aj likes to dance so i dance with her but i like singing more.All three of those are my dreams

Aj-The things i like to do are :Drawing,Dancing,and Writing.They insper me.I have been drawing since i was in grade 4. I love dancing because it is a part of my life and so is drawing.One day i want to be an artist! It has always been a dream of my to become one.     

The best how to draw people to learn and show their talent in drawing.
  • December 14, 2011
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