My eyes don't work too good, but I am very thankful for a computer that has text that can be enlarged!
I write books...lots of books! I started out writing romance novels when I was 14 years old, many, many moons ago. Now, I'm venturing into writing children's books, for preschoolers.
Everyone knows preschoolers need pictures. Well, I am not in any way the kind that can draw even a stick figure! So, I need help.
If anyone is able to draw simple, but nice, drawings of people and things, and wouldn't mind taking a cut in royalties rather than being paid outright, I'd like to talk with you!
Get in touch with me @ [email protected] with the subject: drawing.
I have romance books published, and would like to get my children's books published.
On another note:
I want to help others realize a dream, whether or not they know they have one! I edit books, and will help you get published! I have helped 2 women get their books published, only 1 trusted me to edit. So... if you write, or know someone who does, talk to me!
I would also like to help children get their works in print. I think it's important that children see what they can do, because it may become a career for them!
I do not charge, but don't turn down donations!