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Name: Guilherme Machado M. / Class: 7S1 / Date: 09/27/11

Wods of Doubts and Dreams

I know all of this may be just false hopes. But, if I don't belive in it, I'll never know if it's worth my efforts or not. What if I give up and that feeling keeps threatening me inside forever?

That feeling... I feel the greatness of being there. I feel how great is happiness and then I feel it's far away from me. That's already enough to strike down my mood. But my mind doesn't think it's enough. It still shows me what happens, what happened and what will happen in those "happiness sanctuaries". It shows me all I'll never have, everything I'll forever wish for. Just wish. Like if whispering to the hollow wind for it to take my petitions to nowhere.

I don't know what's truth and what's lie. I don't know what's reallity and what's illusion. I'm always realizing things, always realizing that I don't know anything about what I try to understand.

I know so little, but, still, I know so much more than everyone else. I feel like I have to do something, but I don't know what. For now all I'll do is run after my dreams and be careful about light, darkness, colors, heats, colds, places, winds, waters, textures, words, images memories and positions. All'a that's mostly what feelings are built of. At least mine are...

P.s.: Incompletness isn't inperfectness, perfetcness isn't truth, truth isn't absolute and my words aren't certainty.

(Potter., Words of Doubt and Dreams. 07/04/2011.)

Topics: Potter
  • September 27, 2011
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Quote:Originally posted by: SmurfzPottterr OMG I MISSS YOUUUU~!:OOOaaww i miss u too my putita :33 xD (btw im listenin to Te Quiero Puta by Rammstein right now 0.o xD) btw this thingy up there is my english stuffz i did in class but that computer was annoyin me and not letin me save this so i put it...
  • September 27, 2011
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