O. o Like geezzz......EVERY week, when I take the bus in the morning to get to school, I take out my sketch book, and the girl I sit next to, (Don't ask why I can't move cuz' we have assigned sitting Tongue), She always asks, "Whats that, a dragon?" And i'm like, "Err no, it's a wolf." And shes like, "It doesn't look like a wolf to me..." And it's not just her. It's basically EVERYONE in my class....And it's not just my grade...Some people off the internet like to comment on my hard work....And most of it is RUDE. -.-

"What's that?"

"OMG That's a FAIL."

"You scribble too much."

"Whats those things?"

"Wheres her hands?"

"Hah, weird looking charectar." 

"Nice epik fail on Antomany!"

These are most of the comments I get on my artwork....Some people think i'm awesome at drawing, others....Not so much. I've had....What 5 different trollers? Thousands of rude comments? Hundreds of nice ones? Oh ya...And y'know whats funny? Most of the rude people, They either don't even draw, or they don't draw any better than me. I do appreciate critisiam, but theres a difference between critisiam, and being rude and mean.

Critisiam is giving ADVISE, and maybe saying something NICE about their artwork..Not throwing ten million RUDE things at them...

I don't bother with DeviantART much anymore, WAYYYY too much rude critisiam. Been there, done that. Don't ever wanna do that again.

Aww, don't worry. You'll get so good that they'll regret their words. C: As long as you love what you do, love what you draw, it shouldn't matter what others think.
  • December 20, 2011
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  • December 20, 2011
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Awwww.............it doesn't matter how good at drawing you are, I'm rubbish too, but it doesn't mean we can't have FUN drawing!
  • December 20, 2011
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Quote:Originally posted by: Rayman2000349Awwww............ .it doesn't matter how good at drawing you are, I'm rubbish too, but it doesn't mean we can't have FUN drawing!
  • December 20, 2011
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Quote:Originally posted by: JessiCrystalGurlAww, don't worry. You'll get so good that they'll regret their words. C: As long as you love what you do, love what you draw, it shouldn't matter what others think.
  • December 20, 2011
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Quote:Originally posted by: Violin23You know,you shouldn't care what other say. I think your drawings are good. And,btw, people shouldn't talk bad about others if they aren't that good either.
  • December 20, 2011
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