
Answer these questions and I can tell your freindship



. What Are your freinds first letters

 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


A = 10 B =5 C =2 D = 6 E = 8 F = 5 G = 4 H = 3 I = 5 J = 6 K=3 L=7 M=4 N=3 M=10 N=9 O=5 P=6 Q=7 R=4 S=8 T=4

U=3 V=2 W =4 X=5 Y=6 Z=5


above 30

your an excellent freind keep going


10 - 30

Okay your fine but there is room for improvment


Less than 10

Your an bad freind cheer your freinds up and importantly say sorry



thats kida mean you dont know who im friends with and thats saying that you could be a bad friend
  • December 21, 2011
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that don't even work
  • December 22, 2011
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use your altertanive if your result is bad:
Which is try again
  • December 28, 2011
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