Kingdom Hearts II begins one year after Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories. Sora, Donald and Goofy have been asleep for the past year to regain their lost memories. Meanwhile, Roxas is trapped in a virtual simulation of Twilight Town created by DiZ so that Roxas, the Nobody of Sora,[20] may merge wit...
Kingdom Hearts II begins one year after Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories. Sora, Donald and Goofy have been asleep for the past year to regain their lost memories. Meanwhile, Roxas is trapped in a virtual simulation of Twilight Town created by DiZ so that Roxas, the Nobody of Sora,[20] may merge with his original self to restore Sora's power.[21] This is done as part of DiZ's revenge on Organization XIII
Just kidding. Hai there~!!
Greetings earthling!
Memories. Sora, Donald and Goofy have been asleep for the past year to
regain their lost memories. Meanwhile, Roxas is trapped in a virtual
simulation of Twilight Town created by DiZ so that Roxas, the Nobody of
Sora,[20] may merge wit...