well im stuck at a family reunion thing at sum park ts rlly rlly RLLY boring =_= and Im just on my phone writing this blog And I was bored lookinf around at random stuff I saw I was a top blogger duz ...
Topic: bored
I have written a song
by MangaRulz
Ok, this song was inspired by the book series Twilight. Its kinda from Bella's point of view about Edward. But it was only inspired by the book, not about it! Lol ok, here it is! Verse 1: One day he's...
The Last 2 Days
Ahhh!!! okay people i was GROUNDED off the computer yesterday and the day before. I was so bored i looked like this! IT WAS HORRIBLE!!!! This evil person locked me in a tower! AKA my mother. XD and ...
Sorry, but I'm out
by DuckDyler
Yes... about all the missing messages you have send to me, I'm sorry for not connecting that much, but the thing is that I always prove another places, and with another places I dont mean only the Int...
well i`m going to take a break fro mall of this crap. I don`t feel like getting on here it`s a waste of time...i don`t know what i`l lbe doing. but idc. maybe come back in october or whenever kat come...