key: (you must read this or you won't understand anything)Boys: richard,christan,jake,tylerGirls:gaby,taylor(me) bree,charitypeople who others exspect to get together:richard;gaby -christan;taylor-jak...
Topic: Boys
Blog #1: Love, and Tumblr
Hey guys! This is DaSpazticPandaJellybean! You know what, just call me Jellybean (most people do). Anyways, so since I'm not the best artist, I'm probably going to use this for blogging instead of Tum...
A preview to the book I'm writing!! Plzz read it!!!:D
This is starting on the second end of the fourth chapter of my book...I know school has been drastically different since the changes of me, but today feels suspicious...maybe it's because last night I...