Dark Sonic, also known as Dark Super Sonic by fans, is a term used to describe Sonic's darker and unnamed super transformation in the anime series Sonic X. The multitude of fake Chaos Emeralds and Son...
Topic: dark
End Of A Story
Thia ia the end to a story o rote for my school art project entitled ''The Evil Side Of Fairy Tails'' and my story is called Vampire Red Hood Then out of the blood soaked grass came a mist which sta...
dragons, fantast, story, red riding hood, dark, evil, merlin, improvements, bad spellings, jenny2jennifer
My Story... 2
This story is deticated to my inner-self. Dead. This night was magical. Amber was on her first date. Her dream, Josh, was sitting beside her. They held hands, staring up into the night.Amber set her...
top 20 things to do to get kicked out of wal*mart =P
top 2o things to get Kicked out of a wal mart near YOU! ;D20: scream at every cashier "I STUFF MY BRAS!"(most effective if your are a boy)19: go to the toy section and push all the 'try me buttons'18...