Ok, I have a BIG problem. I am really short, soooo I can't find a pair of skinny jeans with a 27 inch inseam! please please help! I can't get 4 inches taken off of the jeans , cause I don't wanna look...
Topic: emo
Naruto Cancelled?
by ItachiFan
Is Naruto Really Cancelled? Or is it making more Episodes to be released? Well the answer is really simple, No. Naruto is Currently being Dubbed* for the next hit, Naruto : Hurricane Cronicles. In Re...
Chuck Norris Jokes
by ItachiFan
If you have $5, and Chuck Norris has $5, He has more money than you.Chuck Norris Roundhouse kick the Mcdonalds and made it become a Wendy's.Chuck Norris can divide by 0.Chuck Norris dosent get hit by ...