for some months my bff had love with one! but for some reasons she broke up, but she is really emotional, she was trying to suiside by eating pills, she had an surgical operation for that, she did som...
Topic: help
How can you all draw so good.
Hi, how the hell do u all draw so good on your Computors/laptops. I can't draw at all, any tips on how to get better?...
Help, Tips, Fun, Good Drawer
oh noez i broke it T_T
<br><center><a href=""><img src=""></a><br><EMBED allowScriptAccess="always" allowNetworking="all" src="http://four.flash-gear....
Good recording programs?
by Aaleack
I am hoping to become known over YouTube one day and i have a list of ideas of what i can do on there but i need to have some kind of screen recording program that also picks up sound from outside the...
help us get memberss!!!
[URL=][/URL]copy and paste this banner anywere you can lets try to get some more members people!! live chat is extremely bland!! thank you!~fruf[URL=http://www.drawin