[URL=http://www.drawingnow.com][/URL]copy and paste this banner anywere you can lets try to get some more members people!! live chat is extremely bland!! thank you!~fruf[URL=http://www.drawin gnow.com...
Topic: is
BEST CONVO with naomi (talking about Drew)
by insomniac
naomi:Llol wowme:i laughed so hard, and i sat on his bednaomi:???me:oh, on friday he called me and wanted me to comeover so he could show off to me, but then he came over than he dragged me to his hou...
Heavy Metal
by legendoflink
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gtARRZiBDus&feature=player_detailpage Ironbound- Overkill http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CUBoR5SGcPI&feature=player_detailpage Red Line Chemistry-Ultragigantor http://ww...