If you have $5, and Chuck Norris has $5, He has more money than you.Chuck Norris Roundhouse kick the Mcdonalds and made it become a Wendy's.Chuck Norris can divide by 0.Chuck Norris dosent get hit by ...
Topic: itachi
Naruto is Cancelled
by ItachiFan
as of June 18, 2009 at 4:41 am, the popular anime, Naruto, is canceled due to a tragic death of a child imatating Garaa's jutsu "Sand Burrial". watch the video below to...
who likes itachi?
by ItachisGirl
Anybody here like itachi? if u dont... then fu! if u do... then add me! im the one who loves him most!!! and if u like sasuke...jiyra..rock lee..guy sensei... neji...or any other anoying guy dont add ...