So yesterday I went trick or treating with my sis, student and neighbours. Again, was dressed as a guy.(and yes, i still go trick or treating even though i'm 13. deal with it)Outside the first house w...
Topic: or
Contest 4 u!
by sheckler101
Hey Ppl of da world!XD So i'm giving a contest 4 all u outgoing ppl and maybe not outgoing ppl ok here's wat u gotta do answer these 3 questions and i'll see who's da best. 1.) Do u like Adam Lambert?...
contest, sheckler101, or, XxEmO_4_EvErxX
Day 16
Okay i have got these really hard problem, and then its like taking me 30 minutes to do one of these problem okay and i have help but it still takes such a long time so if any of you genius have a eas...
by Scourge435
Okay! If u would like, you can enter my contest. It can be for fun, but its for whoever writes the best poem, or song! If the winner really doesn't want a prize thats fine. Okay tell me if ur entering...
Scourge435, Contest, Song, Or, Poem
LadyByakugan96' s Q's
by Len_Kagamine
1. Who are you?- 2. Are we friends?- 3. When and how did we meet?- 4. Do you hav a crush on me?- 5. Have you ever wanted to punch me?- 6. Give me a nikname and explain why?- 7. Describe me in 1 word- ...