anime ouran high school host clubThe show is about a girlmight be my favorite characters in the series, Haruhi Fujioka who gets a scholarship to the prestigious Ouran High school, despite being from a...
Topic: Ouran
about meez
hi,i'm charolette101 and formally known as snookie (obviously not my name so don't ask dumb questions like what's ur real name cuz i won't tell you.)i like yugioh, dn angel, naruto and Ouran highschoo...
Hang in there, Honey
After you hit Honey on the back to de-choke him. Honey passes out due to the long time his brain didnt get oxygen.You quickly lay him on the nearby couch and ask for a damp towel to wipe his face.When...
Hurry! Mori-senpai!
Mori rushes to the aid of Honey and gently, but firmly smacks Honey on the back. Honey coughs and is able to breath."Takashiiiiii!" honey cries."Are you all right, Mitsukuni." Mori asks in his deep vo...
"Would you want some cake?" Honey asked in his chibi voice.Your eyes glittered, "Yes,please."The two of you just continue to eat cake."woo, I'm full!" Honey gasps, he curls up and falls asleep on your...