I'm WeLoveAnime98 (a.k.a. Anime-chan), and the drawing request is now opened!You may send me a request, and then I'll draw a picture for you. Just PM me, and ask what you want me to draw!Request Rules...
Topic: request
Any Tutorial Requests?
by Scourge435
I really am good at tuts. But really I don't like drawing humans. Any landscape kinda ones? Those would be the best. ...
Scourge435, Request, Tutorial, Landscape, Learning
I'm getting even busy!!
At drawings, yeah. I'm currently drawing a request for babyfox_fireheart1, and I'm working on the accesorries. I'm also gonna be drawing for Avatarfan2009 for a contest entry of hers, and the deadlin...
busy, WeLoveAnime98, Avatarfan2009, request, contest, entry, group
hey guys, i was just wondering, if u chek out my gallery and like it, and want me to draw a character, if u have any requests for me i'll try my best to make them. i've already draw, sasuke, orihime,...