Dark Sonic, also known as Dark Super Sonic by fans, is a term used to describe Sonic's darker and unnamed super transformation in the anime series Sonic X. The multitude of fake Chaos Emeralds and Son...
Topic: sonic
Super Sonic
Super Sonic (スーパーソニック Sūpā Sonikku?) is the Super State of Sonic the Hedgehog, achieved by harnessing the power of the seven Chaos Emeralds. Since Super Sonic's first appearance in Sonic the Hedgehog ...
Who is sonic .exe
by Gon
See, the creature that is Sonic.exe was created in the void, in a gab between dimensions, making him a non-existent outsider in our universe. This creature was born out of pure dark matter in this voi...
Sonic, Creepy pasta, Sonic .exe