Well i just got back from my long... long drive. It was realllllly cramped in the back seet and I still cant feel my left legg. Anywaw, now that im home i can resume drawing. Hope to post alot more ar...
Topic: UnrealPie
Join Daveyboy99's contest | MY UPDATE!
by UnrealPie
http://www.drawingnow.com/Daveyboy99Is having a contest on Cartoon animals which can be viewd [HERE]Please someone else join, I would feel bad If I was the only one who entered in this contest. In oth...
Thanks for 1300 Profile Views!
by UnrealPie
Okay guys, today I reached my goal of 1,300 profile views! It took me about 4 mounts but I did it and its all thanks to you guys!Now help me get 2,000!Oh, expect more drawings to be uploded in the nex...
I love my dad xD
by UnrealPie
I was at work today.. I guess you can stay school xDWell its a school where Me and my dad and some others teach people to fly RC helicopters.. And today was the last day of the semester and we were ta...