My Cat Tippy loved walks. When we went on walks she was beside me. One time when I was realy little ...My Cat Tippy loved walks. When we went on walks she was beside me. One time when I was realy little and i never saw a snake before I saw one and it almost bit me if it wasnt for her. :'(. The snake Is dead and I am safe And my cat was ok too she didnt get bitten. But in the winter time at dark she was walking around our pond and evidently fell in and couldnt climb out of the icey water. :'( She is now resting peacfuly next to our willow tree. She is visited by me the ost cause I was the one who pick her out of the pound when she was a kitten who could barly see. :'(
I had a good time with her! She was 17 when she drowned.
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