
Noses aren't diamonds and lips aren't that shape.
- December 31, 2013
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Nice job!!!!!!!!!!!!
- January 21, 2014
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chanelle willson
b*** i drew the picture so it will be what ever the f*** want it to be.
- January 24, 2014
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chanelle willson
and thank you your awesome scootaloo
- January 24, 2014
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You don't have to swear. I was trying to be kind.
- January 24, 2014
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chanelle willson
kind more like teasing and being rude
- January 25, 2014
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Pfft. I guess some people just don't want respect. That's fine with me. And teasing is making an unkind remark about somebody, not by trying to say something respectful about a drawing, which btw, isn't good.
- January 25, 2014
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chanelle willson
well some time people have to mind there own buisness dont they
- January 25, 2014
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Just check out my new drawing: Dear Haters...
- January 25, 2014
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chanelle willson
your my dear hater
- January 25, 2014
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