Green Arrow is a fictional superhero created by Morton Weisinger under the banner of Justice league and appeared first in 1941. He dresses like Robinhood and wears a green color suit with a mask havin...
Green Arrow is a fictional superhero created by Morton Weisinger under the banner of Justice league and appeared first in 1941. He dresses like Robinhood and wears a green color suit with a mask having a lot of skills.He mastered archery at a very young age and keeps on inventing new technique to fight against his enemy. His real name is Oliver Queen the son of a billonaire and a celebrity in the Star city.
He is at his peak physical condition and having skills of martial arts and first appeared in 1941 and made a impact on the youth. In 2012 CW launched a series on this superhero and named it Arrow and Stephen Amell played the role of Oliver queen. So watch this tutorial on how to draw Green arrow and make your comics quotient high.