The first space station of U.S.A launched by NASA is Skylab. It was launched on 1973 and it orbited around the earth from 1973 to 1979. It used solar power and fuel cells for energy.It was launched f...
The first space station of U.S.A launched by NASA is Skylab. It was launched on 1973 and it orbited around the earth from 1973 to 1979. It used solar power and fuel cells for energy.It was launched from Kennedy space center and its length was 86.3 feet. It was created by on a mission to save the life of 400000 workers working on Apollo. It was a great success in the history of mankind and for NASA. It orbited around earth for around six years and the research on space go one step ahead. Make your scientific skills go higher by learning how to draw Skylab space station.