This fun step-by-step tutorial will teach you how to draw a warning symbol in no time! Warning Symbols are seen in many places to alert the observer that something is out of the norm and they should b...
This fun step-by-step tutorial will teach you how to draw a warning symbol in no time! Warning Symbols are seen in many places to alert the observer that something is out of the norm and they should be cautious. They are present when computers have malware detected, when there is a wet floor, and even when traffic patterns are changing due to construction. These symbols are a part of everyday life.
So let's begin our process of how to draw a warning symbol. Step one is to draw a yellow triangle in the middle of the page. Once that is complete, trace the inside line of the triangle in black. Of course, no warning sign is complete without a black exclamation mark in the center. Finally, color the triangle yellow.