Sakyo is the young eccentric owner of Team Toguro. He is a member of the Demon smuggling group called Black Black Club. He likes to gamble and will even use his own life as a marker if the prize is su...
Sakyo is the young eccentric owner of Team Toguro. He is a member of the Demon smuggling group called Black Black Club. He likes to gamble and will even use his own life as a marker if the prize is sufficient.
Step 1 We will begin by sketching in Sakyo. The head is an oval tilted to the right slightly. The top half of the body and the details are then sketched in.
Step 2 The next phase of the how to draw Sakyo from Yu Yu Hakusho video is to take the sketch and produce the art you want in the final picture.
Step 3 The end phase has us add color to the picture and use light and shadow to give the final picture a better look.
You have done the how to draw Sakyo from Yu Yu Hakusho video.