Melisandre, often called Melisandre of Asshai is a major character in the second and third seasons of Game of Thrones. She is played by Carice van Houten. Step1. Draw an outline of the figure using a t...
Melisandre, often called Melisandre of Asshai is a major character in the second and third seasons of Game of Thrones. She is played by Carice van Houten. Step1. Draw an outline of the figure using a thick pencil, that includes the shoulders, hair, cloak etc. Step2. Do the facial expressions with a slightly thinner pencil and draw her eyes, nose and other facial objects. Step3. Trace the once completed base figure and get it ready for colouring. Step4. Some facial lines for her expressions. Step5. Time for colours.!! A yellow background, a decent skin tone with some darker shade to add the 3d effect, should do it. Some redness to increase the authenticity, a bit of dark colour near the eyes to show the depth. Step6. Black Eyes, reddish lips and red hair with a darker shade to add the shine. A reddish colour on the cloak with again the effects thing. And Alas! a Masterpiece!!