Gravattack is a Galilean. The name Galilean is taken from Galileo Galilei, an astronomer that discovered gravity. He is able to manipulate the gravity around him and change his mass, making him lighte...
Gravattack is a Galilean. The name Galilean is taken from Galileo Galilei, an astronomer that discovered gravity. He is able to manipulate the gravity around him and change his mass, making him lighter or heavier. Drawing Gravattack is simple if you use this how to draw Gravattack from Ben 10 Omniverse art tutorial.
Step 1 Begin this lesson by sketching the shape of his body, starting with his torso.
Step 2 The hardest part of learning how to draw Gravattack from Ben 10 Omniverse is drawing all of the lines that detail his armor. Take your time when illustrating these details.
Step 3 Before you start coloring him in using different shades of brown, outline his body with a thick dark line. Then use green for his belt and eyes. That is the end of this lesson!