If you want to know some about Neil Patrick’s bio, I’ll give you some. He is an American actor, magician, producer, director, and singer. He is best known for the title role in DoogieHowser. He go...
If you want to know some about Neil Patrick’s bio, I’ll give you some. He is an American actor, magician, producer, director, and singer. He is best known for the title role in DoogieHowser. He got married when same sex marriage was legalized. He admitted that he is gay and proudly say that he is happy with his life. You can follow him via twitter or facebook for his daily thoughts. Should you want to learn how to draw Neil Patrick Harris, follow the guide below?
Draw an elongated shape head. Sketch his neck, shoulders, and upper body. Add facial details and define them. Sketch lines forming his short hair. Illustrate his coat. Highlight your drawing and use applicable colors. Add shadows on it. Learning is indeed fun and easy. Those are the simple steps on how to draw Neil Patrick Harris. I hope you can make your own drawing of him.