Take time to browse the steps on how to draw Serperior? Serperior is characterized as a grass-type starter of the Pokemon series that belong to the Unova region and was first introduced in Generation ...
Take time to browse the steps on how to draw Serperior? Serperior is characterized as a grass-type starter of the Pokemon series that belong to the Unova region and was first introduced in Generation V. It was first tagged as the very first regal Pokemon having the ability to overgrow. Serperior became the last form of Sniv who is one of the three Unova starters.
Draw small circle for the shape of the head. Add the structures of facial features. Define the form of the pointed mouth. Illustrate the figures for the antennas at the back of its neck. Create the snake-shape figure. Highlight your drawing for now then you can apply necessary colors. Add some shadows on your character. Those were the basic steps on how to draw Serperior.