Kissing, hugging, talking and holding hands are the things people in love do. We will now teach you the proper way of doing the step by step art course on how to draw two people in love. We assure you...
Kissing, hugging, talking and holding hands are the things people in love do. We will now teach you the proper way of doing the step by step art course on how to draw two people in love. We assure you that this drawing activity will be such fun.
Make a heart shape figure for the initial instruction of the video tutorial. Add definition on two people close to each other. Draw a man and a woman figure for this particular instruction. Create the couple’s applicable head shapes. Sketch the strokes for the couple’s hair. Trace the parts of the face forming their facial expression. Sketch the lines and curves for the body anatomy of the man and woman. Complete the clothing details before doing the coloring. Now you know the sequential cartoon guide on how to draw two people in love.