We will let you experience how fun learning is. Browse on the steps on how to draw a browning symbol. Don Bailey, the company’s in-house art director at the time. It was introduced in the marke...
We will let you experience how fun learning is. Browse on the steps on how to draw a browning symbol. Don Bailey, the company’s in-house art director at the time. It was introduced in the marketing campaigns and literature of Browning in 1978 to coincide with the Browning Centennial celebration. In addition to being closely associated with Utah, the state where company’s headquarters are located, big mule deer bucks are globally recognized as a symbol of the hunt.
Create heat abstract figure of a deer. Illustrate its twigs. Below this figure, make the lettering for the word BROWNING. Thicken the letters by adding a layer on this word. Outline your drawing. Use black color in filling out the logo. Make it look thick. That is how to draw a browning symbol.