Take advantage of the steps on how to draw a human heart. Check them out. The human heart is a vital organ that functions as a pump, providing a continuous circulation of blood through the body, by wa...
Take advantage of the steps on how to draw a human heart. Check them out. The human heart is a vital organ that functions as a pump, providing a continuous circulation of blood through the body, by way of the cardiac cycles. Normally with each heartbeat, the right ventricle pumps the same amount of blood into the lungs that the left ventricle pumps out into the body. Physicians commonly refer to the right atrium and right ventricle together as the right heart and to the left atrium and left ventricle as the left heart.
Make a sac shape heart. Illustrate a pipe like valve attached on top of the heart. Add another valve at the back of the heart figure. You are now on the mid-section of the guide how to draw a human heart. Draw the thin and series of veins attached on the body itself. Complete the details of the heart. Outline your drawing using black marker. Make it bloody red. Use other necessary colors.