Cartoons illustration will definitely mean a good manga drawing and that is what we will show you today. Follow our step by step online tutorial for you to be guided accordingly. Here is the cartoon d...
Cartoons illustration will definitely mean a good manga drawing and that is what we will show you today. Follow our step by step online tutorial for you to be guided accordingly. Here is the cartoon drawing lesson on how to draw Chicken Little.
We are going to draw a circle for the first step having the zigzag outline. Trace the face of Chicken by sketching the forms of its parts. Draw the basic shape of the eyeglasses. Sketch the strokes in forming the body structure of the chicken starting with the neck. Illustrate some strands in making the mane of the character. Draw the applicable outfit of the chicken. Highlight your art creation and do the coloring part. Now you have finished the video guide how to draw Chicken Little.