Drawing Supergirl from the 2015 TV series requires attention to her iconic costume and confident stance. Follow this step-by-step guide to create a dynamic depiction of Supergirl as portrayed by Melis...
Drawing Supergirl from the 2015 TV series requires attention to her iconic costume and confident stance. Follow this step-by-step guide to create a dynamic depiction of Supergirl as portrayed by Melissa Benoist in the 2015 series.
Materials Needed:
- Drawing paper
- Pencils (H for light lines, B for dark lines)
- Eraser
- Colored pencils or any preferred coloring medium (optional)
Step 1: Reference Gathering
Start by gathering reference images of Supergirl from the 2015 TV series. Look for different poses and expressions to understand her features and the design of her costume.
Step 2: Basic Guidelines
Using a light pencil (H-grade), sketch basic guidelines to map out Supergirl's pose and proportions. Draw a vertical line for the body's center and an oval for the head. Add guidelines for the eyes, nose, and mouth. Draw simple shapes for her arms and hands, as well as the outline of her Supergirl costume, which includes the cape, top, skirt, and boots.
Step 3: Outlining the Body
Refine the basic shapes to create a more detailed outline of Supergirl's body. Pay attention to her confident and powerful stance, capturing her heroic demeanor.
Step 4: Facial Features
Draw Supergirl's facial features with care. Pay special attention to her eyes, which are a key element of her look. Add the S-shaped symbol on her chest, which represents the House of El.
Step 5: Hair and Cape
Supergirl's hair flows behind her when she's in action. Sketch her hair with gentle curves to depict movement. Add the flowing cape, which is another iconic aspect of her costume.
Step 6: Costume Details
Work on the details of Supergirl's costume, including the intricate design on her top, the belt around her waist, and the Supergirl logo on her chest.
Step 7: Hands and Boots
Draw her hands and the boots she wears, paying attention to the details of the boot design.
Step 8: Finalizing the Drawing
Darken the lines that matter, refining the details to make the drawing more polished. Erase any remaining construction lines and guidelines to clean up the artwork.
Step 9: Optional - Adding Color
If you prefer to add color to your drawing, use colored pencils or any other preferred coloring medium. Supergirl's costume is traditionally depicted in blue, red, and gold.
Step 10: Sign Your Artwork
Once you're satisfied with your drawing of Supergirl from the 2015 TV series, sign your artwork to make it uniquely yours.
Drawing Supergirl from the 2015 TV series may take some practice, but with determination and passion for the character, you'll be able to capture her strength and heroism. Happy drawing!