Step 1 - We're going to start with the head and ears, draw a big oval shape in the center of the page and add two big ears on the sides, notice that the ear on the right is bigger.
Step 2 - Draw his body and add another oval shape for his arm, now add a rectangle shape for the hand and a 'V' shaped line inside.
Step 3 - Draw another oval shape for his other arm and a small hand at the end.
Step 4 - Draw a 'W' shape for his legs and two rounded shapes for his feet.
Step 5 - Start drawing Dennis's hair with the out side line and draw another one crossed his face.
Step 6 - To draw his curls use squiggly lines, start from the right side and use different shapes and sizes.
Step 7 - Keep drawing his curls the same way we did in the previous step.
Step 8 - Draw Dennis facial features, you can start with the eyes, then add a small circle for the nose and a small banana shape for his mouth. Draw two eyebrows above the eyes.
Step 9 - Add details inside the ears, draw the line closer to his face first and add the other lines after.
Step 10 - Draw three fingers for each hand, if you were using a pencil, you can trace your drawing with a black marker and erase the pencil after.
Step 11 - Color your drawing, in the movie he has small dinosaurs on his pajamas but you can add any pattern you'd like.