How to Draw Snowball from The Secret of Pets
- staff_illustrator17
- June 16, 2016 (Added)
- 0 (Comments)
Hi everyone, here's a simple tutorial of how to draw Snowball from The Secret of Pets, follow the video or the images below and you'll be able to draw cute Snowball in minutes.

Step 1 - Start with the right eye and draw half circle with a curved bottom, now draw the left eye and make sure to draw it a bit flatter, Add two half circles in each eye for Snowball's pupils.

Step 2 - Draw a small triangle for the nose with a strait line going down from the tip, now draw a wide "W" shape for the mouth.

Step 3 - Continue drawing the mouth, add a big smile, one tooth in the middle and small strait lines from the sides for the tongue.

Step 4 - Use a jagged line to draw the Snowball's head, draw an oval with a flat bottom.

Step 5 - We're going to continue with the jagged line drawing the ears, start with the right ear and draw a long banana shape, now add another elongated shape inside.

Step 6 - This ear is a bit different, draw a rounded rectangle shape and add elongated shape inside.

Step 7 - Draw Snowball's body, keep in mind that the body is a little shorter than the head.

Step 8 - Draw his small cute paws at the sides of the body and add two circles inside.

Step 9 - Draw his right paw and add a line inside, now draw the left paw and the tail above.